About Uddha | UDDHA – Eating Well

About me

You can have lofty visions, amazing ambitions, beautiful gifts and talents, but if you don’t have daily energy and the longevity then your dreams are not going to get done. My mission is to help people achieve lasting transformations by changing their relationship with food. 

Hello! I’m Smitha Prabhu. I’m from Bangalore, India but reside in the San Francisco Bay Area, USA. I have ~20  years of global experience having worked in worked in companies such as Yahoo!, SAP, DocuSign and Google.  It’s been my mission to empower people to get the most out of life. Through the Wildfit® Program I help people learn fundamentals of eating healthy, help those who are struggling with releasing excess weight, emotional eating, yo-yo dieting and sugar cravings take back their power, so that they can feel good about themselves again, love their bodies and live their life to the fullest. I am excited to share the benefits of a healthy lifestyle and a healthy relationship with food with you. You can read my own story here.

I’m a certified Wildfit® Coach in Training, Certified MBTI Facilitator and ICF accredited Coach. I believe that transformation happens when we stop beating ourselves up, let go of unrealistic expectations, treat ourselves with compassion and find joy in the process. Health is a journey.  I look forward to supporting you on your journey to being a vibrant new you. Let’s have fun along the way!

About Uddha

‘Uddha’(Uddā) in colloquial Konkani, an Indian language, means ‘water’. Water takes many forms. Water is essential, water is healing, water is playful, water is powerful…My favorite quote on water sums it all:

Water is fluid, soft, and yielding. 

But water will wear away rock, which is rigid and cannot yield. 

As a rule, whatever is fluid, soft, and yielding will overcome whatever is rigid and hard.
This is another paradox: what is soft is strong.

– Lao Tzu

Similar to water, as human beings, we can choose to continuously develop ourselves to take the form we want. By being fluid, by being open to learning, we can open ourselves to new possibilities in life. Here’s to one new possibility where you can transform your health by creating a new relationship with food and your body. Weight loss will be just one of the consequences in the journey. You’ll experience many more and will be delighted by this transformation!